Friday, January 22, 2010



Sunday, January 17, 2010

New stuff


I have a new YouTube channel. I decided it was time for a more sophisticated username (being that my previous one was derived from an email I made in the 7th grade) but unfortunately YouTube doesn't let you change usernames without making a new account. So, from now on all my videos will be posted here:

I've added the new channel to the links section of the blog as well. No videos up yet, but hopefully I'll be seeing some shows again soon. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wolf In A Spacesuit to release limited edition vinyl

Wolf In A Spacesuit are releasing two singles, Bark of a Cedar and I Fee Nthg, on white vinyl through Hi-Scores Recording Library. The limited edition vinyl will be available in February but you can pre-order a copy now HERE. There are only 500 copies available, so if you're a lover of vinyl be sure to send in your order!

According to the Hi-Scores Recording Library website, Wolf In A Spacesuit are also scheduled to play a show at Piano's in Brooklyn, NY on Feb. 25th. The show will be part of a Hi-Scores Recording Library showcase. 

You can read my review of Wolf In A Spacesuit's debut EP, Pomegranate Stationary, HERE
or read my interview with the wolves THIS WAY.